Tag: Web Development

  • Where The Web Fonts Go

    Where The Web Fonts Go

    Some simple best practices for self-hosting web fonts in the cloud

  • Parcel Post

    Recapturing the magic of early web development with modern tools

  • No More Masters

    No More Masters

    It’s time to change your Git repo’s default branch.

  • Blogging is a Pain in the Ass

    Blogging is a Pain in the Ass

    Thoughts on blogging, or trying to blog, in 2018

  • ‘Inflate’ Web Type with FitText

    A new jQuery plugin for creating ginormous headlines that scale to fit the width of their parent elements, especially useful in fluid or responsive layouts. Just beware: Don't you dare let us catch you using FitText on paragraph text. This is for gigantic display text only!

  • Fun with HTTP

    Following a series of events I won't recap here, this morning I launched Echofon for Mac to discover my password had been cleared out and instead of tweets Twitter was sending back a 401 Unauthorized response code. I clicked on the error message, expecting Echofon to give me some way of fixing it, but instead…

  • Adobe’s CTO: Flash Player is Fine, Thank You, We’re Fixing It Anyway

    So, they don't have any known crashing bugs, and until now haven't seen much need to actually write a Mac-optimized version of Flash Player. Except now they're rewriting Flash's graphics engine, going from a direct port of the Windows version to new Mac-optimized code that makes use of Apple's Core Animation framework. While a lot…

  • DF: What if Flash Were an Open Standard?

    Gruber, in discussing the current blogstorm over Apple's continued non-support for Adobe Flash in iPhone OS, touches on why Apple—who certainly have no problem with proprietary technology so long as it's theirs—are being such champs about keeping core internet technologies like WebKit free and open source: It’s indisputable that Apple seeks large amounts of control…

  • Pleased to Meet You, Won’t You Guess My Name?

    While working on a little Rails project this week, I discovered something very interesting (and little-documented) in ActiveSupport: Module.model_name. It's a core extension to support Rails's handling of models as RESTful resources, as in the examples below: # BlogPost is a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base @blog_post = BlogPost.find(108) # Same as render “blog_posts/blog_post”, :object => @blog_post…